Salon Hours

Monday9am - 9pm
Tuesday9am - 9pm
Wednesday9am - 9pm
Thursday9am - 9pm
Friday9am - 9pm
Saturday9am - 5pm
We are available for off hour appointments, must be made a week in advance.



Shelby Hobbs
Salon 529
529 Main
Joplin, MO, 64801 USA

License Date: 2018

Shelby's expertise lies in creating stunning and personalized hair color transformations. Whether it's vibrant balayage, natural highlights, or bold fashion colors, she possesses an innate sense of color theory and an eye for detail that allows her to bring her clients' visions to life. Her cutting techniques are equally impressive, with precision and creativity at the forefront of every hairstyle she creates.

When Shelby is not immersed in the world of hair, she cherishes the role of being a mother to her two wonderful children. They are her constant inspiration and motivation, reminding her to embrace a balance between her personal and professional life. Her nurturing nature shines through in her interactions with clients, as she strives to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the salon.

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